
Lost Senseless!

This place doesn’t feel right, there’s nobody about, what do you do, your heart starts to race, you feel a serge of panic take over you. You are lost senseless!


These are the thoughts that I used to experience on the odd occasion when laura and I found ourselves a wee bit lost. The mind goes into super overdrive! So how do you find your way when you can’t see a damn thing?


Napoleon Hill, author of the timeless success book Think and Grow Rich said,”Every adversity, every failure, every heart ache carries with it the seed of an equivalent advantage.” These words have helped me massively to see, think and live my life in an empowering way for years. To see my visual impairment from a different perspective. As a blessing, as an advantage not disadvantage, to seek and appreciate the completeness of just being me.


We all face adversity at some point, its just a part of life’s journey. The thing that determines what direction you go in is down to your attitude and how you choose to see the world.


Navigating ourselves out of a lost situation is not as scary now. by tuning into the sounds around me, being present and staying calm helps to refocuss. With a little team effort together we are all good! Thank god for heightened senses!


So the next time you feel discouraged here’s what to do. seek the goodness in the moment, and you will find your way! much love